
This morning, I came across to a particular email that caught my attention.  A very simple yet powerful 
prayer that all of us must utter. Here.

My Father—You are my watchful Provider and my daily Supplier. Thank You that I am never out of Your sight or Your care. I am so grateful to be Your child—to be upheld by Your hand, to be strengthened by Your grace, to be renewed by Your mercies, to be covered by Your wings, to be kept by Your power, to be reassured by Your word, to be refreshed by Your Spirit, and to be given a place at Your table.
Thank You for the bread you place before me—not yesterday’s portion, but new and fresh—wholesome, nourishing, hearty. Bread prepared by Your hand to give me exactly what I need today.
Thank You for not only providing my daily bread, but for breaking bread with me—being near, communing, listening, knowing my heart, being familiar with all my ways. I partake today of Your healing bread, sustaining bread, enabling bread, life-giving bread. Quicken my body, restore my soul, energize my spirit. Fill my hungry heart!
I know when I ask for bread You will not give me a stone. I rejoice in the declaration of the Psalmist, “I have never seen the righteous forsaken or his seed begging bread.” Come, Father, dine with me and I will be full, sup with me and I will be satisfied, be my portion and I will delight in your abundance.
Oh, Lord, You are my portion forever!
Why do you spend money for what is not bread,
And your wages for what does not satisfy?
Listen carefully to Me, and eat what is good,
And let your soul delight itself in abundance.

grabbed from Roy Lessin's Meet Me In The Meadow.

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