great finds

Women's nowadays with my same age are all fascinated in things that will make them beautiful.  Makeups, clothes, shoes, bags, accessories to name a few. For one thing, I could not 
blame them because getting older is one of the bad news that  anyone has to face. It is undoubtedly inevitable. One would wake up one day and she's already in her mid 30's and  that reality is surely scary as hell. Hahahaha.
Admit it or not. No one is getting any  younger. True to the saying that you cant help getting older,  but you don't have to get old.
Staying young is definitely a lifestyle.  It is not an easy task. You have to commit your whole being in order for you to stay vibrant and healthy. You have to work it out and willing to spend some bucks because being healthy and beautiful really will cost you a fortune.
So I am making myself an example here.  Unlike any other ladies like  I mentioned earlier, I would rather spend my money in buying things that would benefit me more.  So as of this moment, I got  4 great finds (purchases ) that I wouldn't mind  scraping my savings because I know that these are surely worthy.

1. Apple Cider Vinegar 

My friend introduced this to me and I am now on my second bottle. In order for the apple cider vinegar to be helpful, it has to be in its organic formula. So that's it. No  follow up questions. 
here are the benefits by the way.
1. Detoxifying The Body – One of the main uses of ACV is detoxifying the body. ACV detoxifies the body by acting as a lymphatic system and liver tonic. Cider vinegar helps to balance the body’s pH as well as stimulate bowel motility, lymphatic drainage and the cardiovascular system. When all these happens in unison, the detoxification process is enhanced. [more]
2. Natural Hair Conditioner – Apple cider is also used as a natural hair conditioner to make the hair shinny. When used as a natural hair conditioner, one tablespoon of ACV is mixed with one cup of water and poured and rubbed on hair after shampooing. Repeating this three times weekly offers the best results.
3. Natural Teeth Whitener – ACV is also used to remove stubborn stains on the teeth. When used as a natural teeth whitener, ACV is rubbed on the stained tooth/ teeth for one minute. You can do this using your finger and then rinse your mouth thoroughly using water. ACV’s pH is strong enough to remove stubborn stains on your teeth whitening them naturally.
4. Treating Heartburn and Acid Reflux – Heartburn and acid reflux are mainly caused by an imbalanced stomach pH as well as lack of probiotics and enzymes. ACV is packed with these nutrients. To treat heartburn and acid reflux using ACV, add one tablespoon of ACV to one cup of water and drink the resulting mixture 5 minutes before every meal to treat heartburn and acid reflux.
5. Killing Yeast and Boosting Probiotics – Candida/yeast affects millions of people worldwide. Some of the most common side effects of Candida include; bad breath, urinary tract infections, lack of energy and digestive system issues. Apple cider vinegar is packed with probiotics as well as the type of acid capable of promoting growth of probiotics. ACV is therefore capable of killing off Candida. When using ACV to kill yeast and boost probiotics, reduce or halt your sugar intake. You should consume one tablespoon of ACV three times daily to cleanse Candida and boost probiotics effectively.
6. Regulating Body pH – Acetic acid present in ACV is used to regulate body pH since it is acidic in nature but contains more alkaline effects on the entire body. Regulating body pH helps to reduce chronic illness risks such as cancer. A well balanced body pH also boosts energy levels in the body.
7. Promoting Weight Loss – Apple cider vinegar is also used to promote weight loss by boosting metabolism. According to numerous studies, cider vinegar has been proven to promote weight loss among individuals who consume it on a regular basis.
One such study was published in the Journal of Diabetes Care. There are a number of reasons behind ACV’s weight loss benefits. One of the main reasons revolves around ACV’s detoxification benefits. When the body is free of toxins, the metabolism rate increases promoting weight loss. Also, apple cider vinegar is associated with weight loss.
8. Natural Household Cleaner – ACV is also used as a 100% natural household cleaner. ACV’s balanced pH and anti-bacterial properties make it a perfect natural household cleaning product.
Most household cleaning products available today are made using harsh chemicals which come with numerous risks. To use ACV as a natural household cleaner, fill a mixture of water (50%) and ACV (50%) in a spray bottle and then spray counters, windows and floors before cleaning.
9. Soothing the Skin & Treating Skin Ailments – ACV is also used for its skin soothing benefits. When used for this purpose, one cup of ACV is mixed in bath water together with a cup of lavender essential and coconut oil.
This mixture has been proven to sooth the skin i.e. ease sunburns. When apple cider vinegar is used topically as a toner or astringent, it helps to smoothen, tone and balance skin pH.
ACV has also been proven to treat acne, warts and age spots. ACV is also used as an aftershave. Some studies also indicate that ACV can be used as a base for facial masks (bentonite clay).
10. Balancing Blood Sugar – Numerous studies have proven that ACV plays a crucial role in balancing blood sugar which in turn improves diabetes.
This use is backed by one of ACV’s main ingredient; acetic acid. When used to balance blood sugar or improve diabetes, ACV is added in salads or mixed with water and consumed before meals.
11. Healing Poison Ivy – Minerals present in ACV i.e. potassium have been proven to reduce inflammation and swelling which in turn improves poison ivy. Also, ACV helps to expel toxins from the skin which helps to heal poison ivy faster.
12. Repelling Fleas – Apple cider vinegar is also used as a natural flea replant by pet owners. When used for this purpose, ACV is mixed with water and the resulting mixture is used to soak and wash pets i.e. dogs. To get the best results, soak and wash your pet in the mixture once daily for a few weeks until your pet is free of fleas.
13. Lowering Blood Pressure – This is another notable health application of ACV. Numerous studies have proven that consuming ACV regularly lowers triglycerides & blood pressure significantly.
14. Treating/Fighting Allergies – ACV is also used to cure allergies. This application is possible because of ACV’s ability to breakup mucous in the body as well as support lymphatic drainage.
Apple cider vinegar is also capable of clearing sinuses. You should mix two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar with a glass of water and then drink three times daily to treat/fight allergies.
                               2. Extra Virgin Olive Oil

I currently use this lovely olive oil as a moisturizer every night. Though researchers claimed also that it has plenty of benefits too.
It was also claimed that extra virgin coconut oil is the healthiest fat on earth.  Some other benefits could be found  here.
3. Twinings  Tea

Someone handed me a box of Twinings Lemon and Ginger Tea and I am the happiest.  It is so helpful  especially on those bloody moments every month. Hope you know what I meant here. Lemon and Ginger are also known to be the most antioxidants elements.  And their helpful benefits are never ending also. It is at its best when served with cookies by the way :)
4. Turmeric Tea 

Of all the items I listed,  turmeric is the best tasting as in literally. Especially when it is being combined with honey.         
Others may find it weird maybe. But I think as you grow old, you  have to take some serious time to take good care of yourself. You have to take into considerations the things you are buying whether it be of good finds and beneficial to you.  Age is just a number. But being healthy and beautiful is an attitude.

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