
It is simply my most favorite day of the week. If  only i could extend this very special day , i would do it certainly. There are just so many reasons why. And i think i might run out space if  I'll be enumerating  them one by one :) But then again since Sunday is the title of my post, i might as well chronicle my reasons. Sunday for me is not just an ordinary day. I usually wake up at 5am. And do my very usual routine. But it is during sundays that i am not in a hurry. I could walk and jog much longer. And 
during breakfast time, i can still stay too long on the table without anticipating me getting late at the office just like on weekdays. It is on sundays that  me and my siblings get to chat over nonsense stuff and yet i find it so worthy just hearing their nonstop rantings. I so love sundays because i get the chance to dress up and feel beautiful as i go to church, sing songs of praises and worship, listen to HIS word, and bond with siblings in CHRIST. It is also during sundays that i could take a nap after lunch. My sunday is a happy day too because i get to go to my favorite happy place. Sunday is gym time :) I am always excited to visit that happy place. Whenever i am in gym, it always inject an enormous amount of happiness in me. Sweating is ♥. After gym, me and my gym buddy will take a rest while sipping a cup of brewed coffee. After that, it is our time to take hot shower and sauna bath. For me that is heaven. And i am grateful that i get to experience such simple things. Sundays for me offers so many valuable things. All in all, it is indeed a day of celebration. A day to celebrate the goodness of life. A day to give thanks to our beloved Creator who never fail to love us and give HIS abounding grace and mercy. A day where we ought to give all the GLORY to HIM. And with that, i could say that
Sunday is ♥ ♥ ♥

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