20 things

Posted this yesterday on my Instagram . It summarizes the things that i would want to do and definitely will start doing.
1. Drink a lot of H2o and green tea- there's no absolute cleansing medicine nor formula than natural water, tea and fresh juices. Drinking lots of water will not only cleanses our internal parts but also offer
 so many benefits in us. I'l drink lots of it from this moment on.
2. Eat a big breakfast, average lunch & tiny diner - I wouldn't find this hard to follow.Our family is an avid fan of breakfast. We make it point that we will leave our house before bound to work with a stomach full of rice and brekky. We were accustomed to have a full breakfast . It is the most important meal of the day. I usually eat cereals during lunch. Medyo nagtitipid ang peg. hahahaha. 
3.Eat fruits and veggies + natural food-fruits and veggies are a good source of vitamins.Therefore we need to take them as part of our regular meal.
4.go for a walk, swim, bike ,ride- walking is love.i don't know how to swim.biking would be a lot of fun!
5.read a book- it will take you to places you've never been to before.
6.Go to bed earlier-yay. this would be my dilemma. i sleep so late. i love to tinker my phone and play candy crush. i usually take a bath during midnight. i'm a vampire.
7.stop thinking negative thoughts about yourself and others-this will surely benefit me most :)
8. don't dwell on the past. turn it into a start- yes. i take past as an experience. surely learned a bunch from it.
9.enjoy little things in life- like stare at sky's vastness during night time, eat a cotton candy.walk barefoot.
10.do not judge nor compare yourself to others- for no one has the right to judge. i do it sometime though.
11.Begin yoga or meditation-tried yoga last year and it was great. hope i could try it again.. soon.
12.do not put things off-nah.
13.avoid processed food-will surely do this.
14.stretch daily to increase flexibility-and i'l do planking as well :)
15.listen to peaceful music-and more of worship songs.
16.live in a tidy place- do de-cluttering if possible.
17.wear clothes that make you happy
18.throw away things you don't need
19.remember that all the efforts you are making now will pay in the end- all the hard works will not surely be put in vain
20.go outside- go outside. outside your boundaries, outside your comfort zone. the beautiful world is just too good to explore.

These are my 20 things i would love to do. So what are yours?

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