random nonsense thoughts :)

Lessons I've learned lately.


It amazes me but sometimes, i find it cruel.

Experience itself is a lesson.

1.Even a fish would stay out of trouble if it will keep 

its mouth shut.~ Anon. From the older sayings, less talk, 

fewer mistakes.As simple as black and white.
There'd be times I'm so involved in a conversation, that 

without my idea, its already turning into a gossip. I 

must remind myself, that i have no right to put the 

person down by saying not good things about the person 

especially if i am not so sure about it. And, even if its 

true, i am in no position to judge anyone.

2. I myself believe in the sayings that no man is an 

island. Literally per SE, it is impossible to live alone 

in this whole wide universe. We were born to interact, to 

communicate, and to share our lives with people. But i 

have learned recently that we must not depend on people 

around us. Your friends may be there for you at times, 

but not all the time. You may be living under the same 

roof with your family, but  they don't know exactly what 

you are going through.You may be surrounded by people, 

but there'd be times that its as if the world has turn 

its back against

you.Friends will somehow get tired on you. And during 

those times, it will always be between you and God. And 

at the end of the day, it will always be between you and 

the Lord.

3.Patience is a virtue.Easier said than done. My sister 

told me i cant have a baby.Simply because according to 

her, i got no patience. *sigh* so much for the thought 

that i am the most patient amongst us in the sisterhood 

of five.  I also learned recently that the virtue of 

patience is a matter of mind over matters. Uh. oh,, did i 

just sound so complicated? hahahaaha, Kidding aside, i so 

admire those people who has a patience like the size of 

half the globe. Maybe it takes so much of an attitude. 

You will not gain patience just by saying its a 

virtue.Experience will teach you instead.

~excerpt from my public diary 
seventeen day of may twenty thirteen

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